Monday, August 31, 2009

It's Magic!

Over the past week much of my free time has been spent learning all things Armenia. It is has been my pleasure to start my education on "all things Armenia," getting hints of its ancient history, art, architecture, politics and people. There is so much to know!

Today's selection gives physical evidence of Armenia's ancient history. Americans have short term memories because our own history is so very short. For many Americans ancient history could mean last year's shoe designs or perhaps our Revolution--a blip on the radar screen for most societies. SEEING one of the cradles of civilization puts a new spin on the word "timeless."

This Kiva Fellow cannot wait to see these sites for herself and report back to you!


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pop goes Armenia!

Eurovision is BIG business in Europe. It can be compared to the finale of American Idol with call in voters, loyal followers, toss in some national cultural pride with smidges of drama--Ta da! Every Spring one night is set aside for all Europeans coast to coast to tune in to Eurovision. Armenia's entry for 2008 came in third place! Enjoy the music as I have not one iota clue what she is singing. Maybe someone can translate for us?

One of the many advantages of being a Fellow is the cultural exchange and acting as an ambassador for Kiva. What a privilege to experience life in a far away land that is so very different than my own.

The sounds of culture

Armenia's ancient civilization has created a legacy of art and creativity. The most alluring of any culture is its expression of creativity in art, music and dance. Armenians do not disappoint when it comes to creative expression. Please enjoy today's videos.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Itsy bitsy change of plans

Today I had a conversation with the Kiva Volunteer Coordinator to move back my departure date until December 2009 due to the difficulties in fundraising. To simplify the process a blog on Blogger wss created that supports PayPal buttons and video. Wordpress continues to be a site that allows for freedom and ease in posting, updating, and sorting pages of text. You can link to to read more information about my upcoming Fellowship in Armenia. Please pass the word far and wide about my blog(s).

I've included a Kiva Fellow video from the field to provide imagery of "The Day in the Life of a Kiva Fellow." Perhaps if the masses understood the remote isolated locations Fellows travel it would be easier to comprehend the value to Kiva the organization in its mission of global poverty alleviation.

As always--"BE THE CHANGE!"